Bioco's process: continuous enzymatic hydrolysis

Our process

Bioco has implemented continuous enzymatic hydrolysis for the hydrolysis of poultry raw materials. This provides benefits for product quality compared to batch enzymatic hydrolysis, which is a great advantage for Bioco's customers.

The raw material gives the premise for quality products from Bioco – but it is the hydrolysis reaction that makes our products stand out. A well-controlled and precise reaction is key for both high quality and high yield.

Time, temperature and enzyme type can be controlled in Bioco's reactor, and all these factors can affect the finished products. Bioco currently uses a traditional food enzyme from a non-GMO microbial source. Time and temperature can easily be modified. This means that the reactor at Bioco is flexible with regards to using different enzymes, if different product characteristics are desired.

Bioco's process is continuous, rather than a batch process. The continuous process with control over time and temperature results in stable products with stable characteristics. Using the same enzyme with the same hydrolysis conditions gives an even hydrolysis at certain points in the protein chain. Thanks to this and to our relatively uniform raw material stream, we obtain a stable hydrolysis and product every time.

A Near-Infrared (NIR) spectrometer has been installed to further strengthen our control of product quality. The NIR spectrometer measures composition of incoming raw materials, and will be coupled to the process steering of Bioco in the future.
A Near-Infrared (NIR) spectrometer has been installed to further strengthen our control of product quality. The NIR spectrometer measures composition of incoming raw materials, and will be coupled to the process steering of Bioco in the future.
Photo: Nofima

After the biochemical process of hydrolysis is completed, the enzymes get inactivated, and the resulting mass is separated into three product streams, which are then dried as needed.

Continuous is a key concept for Bioco, and is what makes our ingredients stand out.



Eirik Pallin

CEO Bioco

Jonathan Fjällman

Operations Manager Bioco