Enzymatic hydrolysis is an important technology for Bioco - it is used to create our poultry protein and oil ingredients. This technology is efficient and creates high quality ingredients – but what if adding additional processing steps could unlock even more of the raw material benefits for our customers? Investigating the potential and added value of multi-step enzymatic hydrolysis processing, or in other words, cascade technology, is the focus of the Notably research project, led by Nofima AS.
Can multi-step enzymatic processing unlock the full potential of our raw materials?

Notably is the short name for the project ‘Novel Cascade Technology for optimum utilization of animal and marine byproducts’. The project will run four years, from 2018 to 2022. The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway under the BIONAER programme. Partners are Sintef industry, Simula, Lund University, Brødrene Karlsen, Biomega Group, Norilia and Bioco.